Wednesday 27 February 2013

Tutorial with Dan- 26th February

  • Continue drawings in sketchbook, experiment redrawing the scenes in various mediums (paint, inks, chacoal etc) and to different scales. 
  • Research contemporary drawing/illustrators, search library for techniques which appeal to me:
    • David Hockney.
    • Raymond Pettibon.
    • Hieronymus Bosch.
    • Alberto Giacometti.
    • Henry Moore.
    • Chris Ware.
    • Anatomy or life/figure drawing.
    • General graphic novels.
  • Also talk to Ryan and Elliot about their projects, as they are using storyboards as part of their work and it seems similar to mine.
Feedback from Design in Action and PPD:
  • Recommend I set mini deadlines for FMP to keep me motivated, but not to make the goals too specific.
  • The edited and concise blog was good, so I will continue this approach within FMP.
  • To visit exhibitions, and read art and design journals in the library which will help develop my critical awareness: the research from PPD was good but this didn't carry over into Design in Action, so I should be conscious of developing this further.

Monday 25 February 2013

Research: Jake and Dinos Chapman

Alongside architecture I have been researching illustrators, as I feel this is primarily where my practice lies. I really like the sinister aspect of the Chapman brothers drawings, these were taken from the series Disasters of War and Hell. 

I love the intricate pen work of the more surreal drawings, and the monotonous black on white creates a darkening in the pieces which instills its foreboding overtones. 

Sunday 17 February 2013

FMP Proposal

I plan to create a fictional space based on dream sequences. Using my own dream diary as reference, I have highlighted common recurring themes of general unease; anxiety, paranoia and panic. I aim to convey these themes through the project, employing photograph sequencing to display these emotions in a nightmarish narrative. The sets would be created temporarily, allowing me greater freedom in photographing and preventing restrictions through only needing partial sets. Due to the nature of my themes I aim for an eerie and sinister outcome through the photographs. l will make the scenes using similar techniques as in previous projects, an animated, peculiar style, where I favor making miniature figures with paper and card by hand, and then drawing into these further. Through mixing elements of photographs and drawings I intend to merge aspects of reality and fantasy creating a surreal piece.

This is similar to a past project which involved making miniature scenes based on Leeds City Center.