Sunday 17 February 2013

FMP Proposal

I plan to create a fictional space based on dream sequences. Using my own dream diary as reference, I have highlighted common recurring themes of general unease; anxiety, paranoia and panic. I aim to convey these themes through the project, employing photograph sequencing to display these emotions in a nightmarish narrative. The sets would be created temporarily, allowing me greater freedom in photographing and preventing restrictions through only needing partial sets. Due to the nature of my themes I aim for an eerie and sinister outcome through the photographs. l will make the scenes using similar techniques as in previous projects, an animated, peculiar style, where I favor making miniature figures with paper and card by hand, and then drawing into these further. Through mixing elements of photographs and drawings I intend to merge aspects of reality and fantasy creating a surreal piece.

This is similar to a past project which involved making miniature scenes based on Leeds City Center.

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