Monday 13 May 2013

Final prints

A selection of the final prints which I will include in my concertina book. I think they turned out quite well, after lots of practice prints I became better at the technique of applying the ink to create a clearer print, and feel this is nicely demonstrated through the prints.

I decided to print in blue finally, as I wanted an appropriate colour which wouldn't seem too out of place (e.g. like red would have) with the entire presentation of the piece. The tones of the prints remind me of the sea; which features at the end of the dream, with the dream taking place on an island in the middle of the ocean. I feel that due to this the chosen colour addresses the nature and content of the narrative. Also I think that blue is quite a spiritual, calm colour, that compliments the dream and sleep themes of the project.

Finding Anthony on the island, he told us of an exit we could take.

The original first print of the sequence; beginning to watch TV as I sat talking with friends.

The plane beginning to crash.

Leaving the island on the bridge, with Anthony and Ross.

Walking with Ross, exploring. Decided to leave some details a bit basic for the figures of some of the etches; to create the effect of some aspects being forgotten/hazy in memory. In other scenes these details will reappear, which I hope will construct some continuity for the viewer.

Being shown the statue by Anthony, which 'marks' the exit of the island and the bridge.

Watching the group of survivors as they settled on the island.  The details of these people have been left a blank as due to memory and the dream I couldn't remember exactly what they looked like; instead drawing them and indistinguishable shadows.

Watching the survivors panic as I sat calmly; no one could see me apparently in the dream so I just observed.

Trying to call out to someone who could not hear me, and was also preoccupied with the disaster.

Watching the show, tried to convey the sense of my being drawn in by the crash and feeling like I was the only one in the room watching TV.

Literally being drawn in by the TV, and sort of diving into what was happening.

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