Monday 20 May 2013

Print not working- Decided to not include in final piece.

This plate hasn't been printing well; most of the prints have been faint in areas and having been printing clearly. I think it's because some ink might have become stuck in the lines of the etch, and the grooves of the etch can't be felt. I've re-etched the image twice and tried printing again, but the prints still remain very faint and become fainter with each print. 
This setback has made me think about the image itself, and the event of meeting someone in the dream. In the dream it was the instant where I met my then boyfriend, and because of recent events I feel like not including this scene, and instead leaving a blank space in the narrative. I want to now create the blank space as a fragment which has been forgotten. Also when I remember the dream I recall that this scene didn't actually happen; as I was alone initially and only realised he was there much later when finding our other friend. It was like he had just stepped out of my shadow.
As can be seen from the left image, the prints are very hard to make out. Eventually I gave up on the etch due to frustration of it not printing, despite attempting different techniques like applying more ink or ensuring the paper was not too wet/dry (it has to be soaked prior to printing).
I also decided to not include this print, for the same reason as it includes my previous boyfriend. It shows me walking with him along the island, but since this also didn't happen in the dream and I was wandering alone I felt it was fitting not to include.
However there is another reason for not including, as I accidentally made the concertina book with one page too short, so there wasn't enough room to include 22 prints and keep a cover/back page. Since I wanted to leave these pages available I decided it was best to cut this print also, and leave no blank space in the narrative.
Also aesthetically I don't like this print too much, as the figures of the etch are lacking detail. I think it would have looked better if I hadn't shaded the entire area in, and drawn a similar level of detail as I had in the other prints.

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