Monday 27 May 2013

Final sequencing of prints

This is the final sequencing of my images, adapted from another sequence with some scenes rearranged to make the narrative more fitting. I devised it through thinking about how I first remembered the dream upon waking; which was the ending of the dream and leaving the island with Anthony and Ross.

From scenes two to twelve I wanted to display a mixed account of remembering being on the island and watching everyone's panic, juxtaposed with just watching these events through a TV. I aimed to make this as logical as possible in terms of how I remembered it, which involved some events taking place in reverse order (for example remembering watching the TV show, then remembering turning the TV on). 

A couple of prints were kept in their original order like nine and ten (the top two in the above image, 'going into' the TV) which I felt conveyed the pivotal moment in the narrative when the dream completely switched realities, and if displayed in a reversed order I felt this would not be clear.

Images thirteen through to twenty-one show me leaving the group of island survivors to explore the island, and finding Anthony and Ross which led to leaving the island on the bridge. I continued the method used earlier in the sequence; of switching  the chronological order  of the dream according to the order it was remembered.

The last image in the sequence was originally the first image; sat talking with friends before beginning to watch TV.  I chose to put this last after reordering the sequence since this was the last thing that came to me after remembering the dream; almost as a clarification of how the dream began. The second to last image was originally the last image in the sequence, and I think it was good to place these two images together since it sandwiches together the beginning and end of the sequence, and creates a sense of overall unity within the narrative.

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