Sunday 5 May 2013

Notes from tutorial with Simon 02.05.13 

Discussed possible ways to display; hanging in an open format? So people can engage with both sides of the piece, with storyboard printed on both sides as opposed to my original idea of just one side.

Book size so far, I'm going to make the final version a little smaller with smaller page size and less pages since I'll be using both sides. Also the cover may not be this colour, I only chose from the scraps of cover available to try it out.

It folds out to quite a length when opened, so would need a long strip of shelf or floor area to display. I've thought about hanging it via fish-wire, with each page or so hooked and attached and then suspended from a wire mesh above. This would allow the audience to walk around and view each image; engaging with it how they want. However this idea isn't completely practically, as the wire may not support the weight of the book and could result in it falling. Also I haven't tried anything like this out prior to installing, so it would be best to know that it would definitely work if I was to commit to hanging it like this.

Also discussed the sequencing of the images; should it be read in a 'logical' order or an order which allows the viewer to their own interactions/interpretations? Potentially arranging them non-chronologically, which would benefit the dream narrative. 

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