Tuesday 14 May 2013

Title for the project

Brainstorming some title ideas:
I wanted the title to be quite clear and concise which would sum up the narrative and link to the theme of dreams, but still remain "other-worldly". 

Some ideas so far
  • I dreamt...
  • The Dream
  • The Dream Place
  • Dreaming
  • The/A Lost Dream (since the dream took place within the TV show "Lost", bit cheesy maybe)
  • The Dream Experience
  • The Day's Residue
  • A January Dream (dreamt in January)
  • Being/Feeling Lost (links to dream content, also general feeling of the dream- it's about being lost and trying to find something).
  • The Other
  • An Other Place
  • The Dream from An Other Place
  • Dreamtime
  • Dreamscape
  • The Place from Another Dream
 I have been researching a few other artist's who have done a similar 'dream book' project for inspiration, my favourite artist title so far is Klimowski's "The Depository: A Dream Book". I think I've been trying to come up with something similar to this for my project.
I wanted to convey the sense of an abstract narrative, one which the viewer can examine and reach their own conclusions after viewing. Hopefully leaving confusion in it's aftermath, much like after waking from a dream and only half remembering the events.

I decided to title the project/piece "The Place from Another Dream", as I liked this alteration of my original title "The Dream from An Other Place". My reasoning for this title is that I feel it sums up the theme of a dream narrative, yet remains somewhat shrouded in mystery so doesn't elaborate on "what happens" too much. I didn't want the title to give away what was happening or what does happen in the dream, as I think it would be interesting to leave this up to the viewer.
I like "The Place" aspect also, as it creates the impression that this is an unknown and potentially non-existent place, which only exists in the dream as The Place, creating more mystery as to where these events take place. I'm hoping to disengage the viewer from any preconceptions involving "where" or "what" and hope to just land them in the midst of the narrative, which will hopefully lead them to reach their own conclusions.

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