Saturday 11 May 2013

Ways of exhibiting the final piece

I had a few different ideas, including hanging and presenting on a plinth of shelf. 
Arranging the concertina in a circular star shape was the idea I decided upon, since the prints will be displayed on both sides of the pages this allows the viewer to see everything.

 Also thought about a possible booth that I could create around the piece; made from hanging curtains on three sides around the plinth to create an enclosed space. However due to space this is only a secondary idea, as I have requested to have my work in the darkened space of the exhibition with a small overhead light to illuminate the work. If there is not enough room for my work then I would like to do this idea, or maybe just include one side of fabric (which would be something light and shimmery like silk voile) against the wall behind my work.

 Hanging the book was another idea; piercing the pages and cover with wire so the piece would be suspended at eye level, but I realised this would probably cause the book to tear over time.
 A shelf or long table with the book arranged in a zig-zagging pattern seemed quite simple, but would depend on how/where it was displayed for the book to be fully seen, e.g. if against a wall only one side would be visible. 

I had a similar problem with arranging it in an open but outwards shape, due to the duality of the piece's viewing.

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